Jacob Strickland, a C2 Labs Data Scientist, has obtained his UIPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Business Analyst Foundation Certification. Jacob has a passion for solving customer challenges by unlocking the intrinsic value of their data. While he is a classically trained Data Scientist, he has continued to elevate his skills in a variety of technologies to increase his value to our customers. You can find out more about Jacob on his LinkedIn.
"We recognize that our customers require increasing levels of automation to meet their productivity goals and that RPA technology can be a game changer in freeing our customers from routine, manual, and monotonous tasks. We were thrilled to see Jacob take the initiative to achieve this certification and look forward to him putting his new skillsets in action for our customers," said Anil Karmel, C2 Labs Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
C2 Labs is a trusted partner of UIPath and we continue to bring innovative new robots to life to automate our customer's business processes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can accelerate your digital transformation using RPA.